Demon Slayer : Kimetsu の Yaiba | 鬼滅の刃 [ Kamado Tanjiro ] Ready for the Trial

Demon Slayer : Kimetsu の Yaiba | 鬼滅の刃 [ Kamado Tanjiro ] Ready for the Trial

The moment before Tanjiro is prepared to enter the Trial of Demon Slayers, this is the scene where i felt energetic and prepared for the upcoming battle then all of a sudden became emotional when Urokodaki-san questioned himself “How did Tanjiro know the name of the deceased students…”
🎦 Kimetsu の Yaiba Playlist:
#anime #animedrawing #animecharacter #demonslayer #kimetsunoyaiba #demon #鬼滅の刃 #無惨 #鬼舞辻無惨 #muzan #kibutsuji #muzankibutsuji #demonslayerdrawing #kimetsu #yaiba #sketch #sketching #manga #tanjiro #tanjirokamado #kamadotanjiro #竈門炭治郎 #竈門 #michaeljackson #shorts #kamadotanjiro #tanjiro #kamadonezuko #nezuko #nezukokamado #tanjirokamado #kawaii #chibi #animegirl #animeicons #禰豆子 #竈門禰豆子 #嘴平 #伊之助 #嘴平伊之助 #nezukobasket #beast #beastbreathing #lightning #nezukodemonslayer #zenitsu #shonen #zenitsuagatsuma