残響散歌 ピアノ Aimer テレビアニメ『鬼滅の刃』遊郭編オープニングテーマ

残響散歌 ピアノ Aimer テレビアニメ『鬼滅の刃』遊郭編オープニングテーマ

JPN COE:4910076250321

・2022/02/22 異議申立 Sony ATV Publishing

I’m aware of the fact that Sony ATV Publishing claimed video rights and waived more than 160 rights.
Sony ATV Publishing is fraudulently claiming and monetizing sheet music published in Japan.
Submit the URL of the video alleged as evidence of Sony ATV Publishingraud to the court. We also know the fact that songs under the control of JASRAC were monetized in Japan.
If you don’t quit, I’ll take legal action and bring it to court.
The lawyer will file proceedings for repeated fraudulent claims.
We are claiming a large amount of damages against fraudulent claimants.
If you do not waive your rights, you are obliged to appear in the court I designate.

The Piano score used for the video is a Japanese Yamaha music media’s publication.,(Piano score Jpn code:4910076250321),   I can submit to the court the score I used to play. The music scores used in the videos are arranged and published inside Japan, and are absolutely not related to group that claims the right. There is no lawful grounds to say that we are violating any copyright. I am now requesting you to stop the incorrect copyright infringement complaints. If you do not stop doing so, I am going to take legal actions and take this to the court in Japan.